Characters - Categories

You can place your Characters into categories to help you organize them – by default, characters are listed as Uncategorized. This article explains how to use Characters categories in Plottr for Desktop and Web.

What this Article Covers

Adding a Character Category

You can add an unlimited number of Character categories:

  1. Click the "Categories" button to open the Character Category menu 
  2. Type in the name of the category you wish to create under "Add Category"
  3. Click the "Add" button

Editing a Character Category

To edit existing Character categories:

  1. Click the "Categories" button to open the Character Categories menu
  2. Click on the name of an existing category
  3. Update the name of the category 
  4. Click the "Close" button OR "Enter / Return" to save 

Ordering Character Categories

You can easily order Character categories however you like to help organize them on the Character screen:

  1. Click the "Category" button to open the Character Categories menu
  2. Click and hold the three bar icon to the left of the category title 
  3. Drag and drop the category to order it where you would like it to be

Deleting a Character Category

Deleting a Character category is easy and does not delete the Characters in it – they are simply re-labeled as Uncategorized.

  1. Click the "Categories" button to open the Character Categories menu
  2. Click the "X" button next to the Category you wish to remove
  3. Click the "Delete" button to confirm

Organizing Characters into Categories

You can organize Characters into categories when you create them or by editing them afterwards:

  1. Click on the Character you wish to categorize
  2. Select the appropriate category from the Category dropdown

Known Limitations

We are aware of a few limitations with Character categories, which we intend to address with future updates:

  • Characters cannot currently be assigned to different categories based on the books in which they appear
  • Character categories do not appear in other sections of Plottr when, for example, a Character is linked to a scene card
  • In other sections of Plottr, Characters are organized alphabetically independent of their category
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