Characters - Adding, Editing, Deleting

This article explains how to add, edit, and delete Characters from Plottr (on Desktop and Web).

What this Article Covers

Adding Characters

You can add unlimited Characters to your Plottr project:

  1. Click "New" on the Character submenu, or click the plus (+) button by the Character heading
  2. Add a name, short description, notes, image, etc.
  3. Click the “Save” button

Editing Characters

To edit existing Characters in your Plottr project:

  1. Click on the Character you wish to edit OR hover over the title and click the pencil icon
  2. Update the Character details in the editing pane
  3. Click the “Save” button

Deleting Characters

To delete existing Characters from your Plottr project:

  1. Hover over the Character you wish to delete in the sidebar and click the trash icon OR click on the Character to open the editing pane and then click "Delete"
  2. Click the "Delete" button to confirm
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