Characters - Overview

The Characters section in Plottr is where you add and organize the characters in your story or writing project. This article covers the basics of Characters and what you can do with them (on Desktop and Web).

Character Basics

Here are a few things you should know about Characters:

  • There is no limit on the number of Characters you can create
  • You can add notes about each Character
  • You can create Categories for Characters
  • You can create Custom Attributes for Characters to track particular details
  • Characters can be filtered by associated Books, Categories, Tags, and Custom Attributes, and sorted by Custom Attributes
  • You can apply Templates to Characters and create your own Custom Character Templates
  • You can create one primary image for each Character, and add additional images to each Character within their notes
  • Characters are organized in alphabetical order by default

Getting Started

To access the "Characters" section, open the app and click on the Characters tab at the top of the screen:

At the very top of the Characters tab, you'll find the following navigation options:

  • New: Click this button to create a new Character
  • Use Template: Click this button to create a new Character from a Template
  • Attributes: Click this button to create and manage your Custom Attributes
  • Categories: Click this button to create and manage your Character Categories
  • Filter: Click this button for options to filter your Characters
  • Sort: Click this button for options to sort your Characters
  • Search: Enter a term to display Characters containing that term only

Use Cases

There are many ways to implement Characters — here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Major Characters: Create Characters for your main protagonist, antagonist, love interest, etc.
  • Minor Characters: Create Characters for everyone who appears in your project
  • Categories: Organize Characters into categories based on their role
  • Nonfiction: Create Characters for the people you discuss in your book 
  • Screenwriting / Playwriting: Create Characters for everyone with a role

Known Limitations

We are aware of some limitations with Characters, which we intend to address with future updates:

  • You cannot import Characters from one project into another
  • You cannot place Characters into different Categories based on the book in which they appear
  • You cannot manually organize Characters
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