Timeline - Series View

The Series View in Plottr provides a unique Timeline where you can organize the details of your Project at the series / project level – for example, when working on a book series or a set of stand-alone books that share characters, settings, or topics (for nonfiction).

Series View Basics

Here are a few things you should know about the Series View:

  • The Series View has the same basic functionality as the Timeline for individual Books – read more in the Timeline Overview
  • Templates can be used in the Series View – read more in Starter Templates

Getting Started

To access the Series View for your project:

  1. Click on the book dropdown menu from the Project, Timeline, or Outline section of Plottr
  2. Click on the Series View at the top
  3. If you're not already on the Timeline, select the Timeline tab of Plottr 

Use Cases

There are many different ways to use the Series View — here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Continuity: Keep track of events that occur over multiple connected books
  • Worldbuilding: Create a record of all events critical to a series, even if they don't occur in any book in the series
  • Foreshadowing: Brainstorm and keep track of major events for future books

Known Limitations

We are aware of some limitations with the Series View:

  • Information in the Series View does not automatically populate from the names or Timelines of individual Books in the Project
  • Chapter Headings in the Series View default to the naming convention set in the Timeline Settings, but you can manually edit a Heading by clicking on it (or on the pencil icon above it)
If you need additional assistance, please contact support or ask a question in our Facebook Group .
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