Timeline - Flip

The  Flip options on the Timeline allow you to toggle your narrative between Vertical (Default) and Horizontal view mode.


You can toggle the Flip options on the Timeline by clicking the "Flip" button on the toolbar – the Timeline displays in Vertical mode by default:

Vertical View Mode

The "Vertical" view is the default view of the Timeline, and displays your Chapter headings across the top and your Plotline titles down the side of the screen.

The Vertical mode is identified by the three dots to the left of the "Flip" button being vertical:

Horizontal View Mode

The "Horizontal" view of the Timeline displays your Plotline titles across the top and your Chapter headings down the side of the screen.

Click the "Flip" button on the Timeline toolbar to view your project in Horizontal view – identified by the three dots to the left of the "Flip" button being vertical:

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