Plottr Pro Troubleshooting Guide

Are you having an issue with Plottr Pro, the cloud-based version of Plottr? Here are answers to some common questions we receive:

  1. Am I logged in to Plottr Pro?
  2. I upgraded to Plottr Pro and my files are missing. What happened?
  3. I uploaded my project to Plottr Pro, but I don't see it on my Dashboard. Where is it?
  4. I want to upload a file to Plottr Pro, but I can't find it. Where is it?

1) Am I logged in to Plottr Pro?

To make sure that you are logged into Plottr Pro on Windows or Mac:

  1. Open the Plottr desktop app, open the Dashboard, and click the Account tab at the top left of the screen
  2. If you are logged in, you will see “Pro Subscription” in the top left of the Account screen

2) I upgraded to Plottr Pro and my files are missing. What happened?

When you're logged into Plottr Pro, the dashboard will show you all the projects that have been successfully uploaded to our online cloud database, which is where Pro files are stored. 

However, there may be Plottr projects that are stored safely on your computer that have not yet been uploaded to the database – either because you did not choose to upload them when you initially setup Pro on your device, or because there was an issue with the uploading process. In order to see your projects while logged into Plottr Pro, you will first need to upload them to the database.

Click here to learn about uploading individual projects to the Plottr Pro cloud database.

3) I uploaded my project file to Plottr Pro, but I don't see it on the Dashboard. Where is it?

In some cases, you may have an issue uploading files to the Plottr Pro cloud database. If this happens, you should see an error message while attempting to upload a file indicating that it failed to upload. This can happen, for example, if there is an intermittent break in your internet connection while uploading the file to our database. 

Your project is still safely stored on your computer and simply needs to be uploaded again following the instructions here.

4) I want to upload a file to Plottr Pro, but I can't find it. Where is it?

You should be able to locate existing Plottr files on your computer by clicking the "Open Existing File" button in the Files section of the Dashboard. You also can find a few ways to locate your Plottr files on your computer following the instructions here.

If you need additional assistance, please contact us via support.
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