Importing from Scrivener

Our Scrivener import functionality has specific formatting guidelines to follow. This article explains how to start a new Plottr project by importing your existing work from Scrivener.

Click here to download a sample Scrivener file of the Three Little Pigs story that will import successfully into Plottr to help you follow the instructions below.


In order to import a Scrivener project into Plottr, here's what you need:

  • Scrivener (version 2 or later)
  • Plottr or Plottr Pro (v4.6.2022 or later)

Scrivener Import Basics

To ensure a successful import into Plottr from Scrivener, please setup your Scrivener file like this:

  • To import content from your manuscript: Your Scrivener project must contain a Manuscript folder with subfolders for each of your Chapter Headings. Within each of these Chapter Heading folders, you may add unlimited text documents (but do not add additional folders). Any text you wish to import must be placed in the "Synopsis" section of that Chapter; do not leave content in the main document area.
  • To import notes about your manuscript: Your Scrivener project must contain a Research folder with subfolders specifically named Notes, Characters, and Places (depending on what you wish to import). Within each of these Research subfolders, you may add unlimited text documents (but do not add additional folders), formatted following the guidelines below.
  • Remove ALL other folders included with your Scrivener project: Move their content to one of these above-noted folders while following the guidelines detailed below.

Please continue reading for more specific instructions for importing each section of your project.

Importing Chapters

When importing chapters from Scrivener into Plottr, please adhere to these guidelines:

  • One Folder per Chapter: Each folder in your Scrivener Draft (or Manuscript) corresponds to a Chapter Heading in Plottr, and will be imported in order.
  • Unlimited Text Documents per Folder: There is no limit on the number of text documents you can include within a folder.
  • Do Not Use Chapter Subfolders: Plottr cannot currently import content located within subfolders.

Importing Scenes

When importing Scenes from Scrivener into Plottr, please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Scene Card Title: The title of the Synopsis in Scrivener will be the title of the Scene Card in Plottr.
  • Scene Card Description: The content of the Synopsis in Scrivener will be the content of the Scene Card in Plottr.
  • Scene Card Plotline: Within the Notes section of the text document in Scrivener, located under the Synopsis, type "Plotline: NAME OF PLOTLINE" to import the Scene Card to a specific Plotline in Plottr. 
  • Avoid the Main Text Area: Content entered into the main Text Area of the Document in Scrivener will cause the import not to work as expected.

Importing Notes

When importing Notes from Scrivener into Plottr, please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Create a Folder Called Notes within Your Main Scrivener "Research" or "Notes" folder: If formatted properly, all text documents in this Notes folder will be imported as Notes in Plottr.
  • Note Title: The title of the Note Synopsis will be the title of the Note in Plottr.
  • Note Description: The content of the Note text document will be the content of the Note in Plottr.
  • Note Order: Regardless of their order in Scrivener, Notes will be imported into Plottr in alphabetical order.

Notes cannot currently be imported into Plottr with images, Categories, Custom Attributes, or Tags.

Importing Characters

When importing Characters from Scrivener into Plottr, please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Create a Folder Called Characters within Your Main Scrivener "Research" or "Notes" folder: If formatted properly, all text documents in this folder will be imported as Characters in Plottr.
  • Character Name: The title of the Character Synopsis will be the name of the Character in Plottr.
  • Character Details: Within each Character text document, add your details as follows:
    • Description: To import a simple description about a Character in Plottr, type the word Description in bold on one line of the document and the name of the Category without bolding on a line directly beneath it.
    • Category: To import a Character to a particular Category in Plottr, type the word Category in bold on one line of the document and the name of the Category without bolding on a line directly beneath it.
    • Notes: To import notes about a Character in Plottr, type the word Notes in bold on one line of the document and the description without bolding on a line directly beneath it.
    • Attributes: To import Custom Attributes about a Character in Plottr, type the name of the Attribute in bold on one line of the document and the value of the Attribute without bolding on a line directly beneath it.
    • Tags: To import Tags about a Character in Plottr, type the word Tags in bold on one line of the document and the name of the Tag without bolding on a line directly beneath it. If you have multiple Tags, simply place a comma between them on the same line.

For a successful import, do not add paragraph spacing / additional lines between Character details.

Importing Places

When importing Places from Scrivener into Plottr, please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Create a Folder Called Places within Your Main Scrivener "Research" or "Notes" folder: If formatted properly, all text documents in this folder will be imported as Places in Plottr.
  • Place Name: The title of the Place Synopsis will be the name of the Place in Plottr.
  • Place Details: Within each Place text document, add your details as follows:
    • Description: To import a simple description about a Place in Plottr, type the word Description in bold on one line of the document and the name of the Place without bolding on a line directly beneath it.
    • Notes: To import notes about a Place in Plottr, type the word Notes in bold on one line of the document and the description without bolding on a line directly beneath it.
    • Attributes: To import Custom Attributes about a Place in Plottr, type the name of the Attribute in bold on one line of the document and the value of the Attribute without bolding on a line directly beneath it.
    • Tags: To import Tags about a Place in Plottr, type the word Tags in bold on one line of the document and the name of the Tag without bolding on a line directly beneath it. If you have multiple Tags, simply place a comma between them on the same line.

For a successful import, do not add paragraph spacing / additional lines between Place details.

Importing Tags

To import Tags from Scrivener into Plottr, please import Characters or Places with Tags (following the instructions above), and those Tags will be available to use in all aspects of your project.

If you need additional assistance, please contact us via support.
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